Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Week 1 progress report

I have had a couple of ideas about my science project this week. I am particularly interested in biology and I am thinking that I might like to do an experiment on the growth of plants. When I spoke to my teacher she said that this was a good idea but that I would need to narrow down my experiment and consider my dependent and independent variables to ensure that my results would be vail. Miss also said that I would need to start soon if I am going to grow plants because some plants make take a couple of weeks before I see any changes between my control and the thing that I change (independent variable).

The ideas that I have had so far can be seen in my mind map

I have decided that I will test the effect of fertiliser on the growth of plants.

My Aim: To determine if the presence of fertiliser effects the height of a plant

Some website that I have accessed this week are

CSIRO accessed 1/3/11

Richgro accessed 2/3/11
I did not realise before reading this website that there were different types of fertilisers. I will need to decide which type I will use for the experiment because it will need to be the same for each trial so that my variables have been controlled